Leading with curiosity and an open heart.
Happily filing my candidate paperwork!
A little bit about me…
Born in Burlington, I spent parts of my childhood in Central Vermont and the Northeast Kingdom. I moved to Williston in 2010 after living outside of Vermont for about 15 years because I knew I wanted to raise my kids here.
I’m a twice-elected member of the Champlain Valley School District Board of Directors, and have served as Board Chair since 2021. I’ve connected with our incredible community through membership in the Williston-Richmond Rotary Club, and as a volunteer with the Williston Community Justice Center and the Education Justice Coalition of Vermont’s organizing committee. This past school year I co-led the Williston Joy Brigade, a group of parents hoping to spread a little joy to the amazing folks working in Williston schools.
In every aspect of my life, from my work as a journalist, to my time on the school board – and certainly as a parent of two kids – my inherent curiosity has served me well. I’ll bring that curiosity, and my core values of equity, integrity, and compassion, to the legislature in your name. I promise to push for people-centered policies that honor the dignity, humanity, and value of all Vermonters.